Phishing Attack Trends
Since collecting and publishing data on the number of unique domains used for phishing attacks and malware distribution as part of our NetBeacon MAP reporting, we’ve been
The Institute strives to serve as a resource for all interested stakeholders
fighting DNS Abuse, whether they are registries, registrars, security researchers,
or any other interested party.
The Institute is pleased to provide and maintain a Resource Library on
publications related to DNS Abuse. These documents advance the
conversation regarding DNS Abuse and help educate registries and registrars
as to how to address it. These resources also may prove useful to someone
that wants to learn more about DNS Abuse and how to tackle it
Since collecting and publishing data on the number of unique domains used for phishing attacks and malware distribution as part of our NetBeacon MAP reporting, we’ve been
In September 2023, ICANN hosted the DNS Symposium in Da Nang, Vietnam. This included a ‘Day of DNS Abuse Discussions’ with a comprehensive agenda. This
From the creation of NetBeacon Measurement and Analytics Platform (MAP), we knew that measuring DNS Abuse* would be difficult and that it would be beneficial
The NetBeacon Institute is pleased to announce the general availability of NetBeacon Measurement and Analytics (MAP): Dashboards to help domain registrars and registries to better
最近,一位注册商联系我,他们真切关注采取更多措施来解决 DNS 滥用的问题,但不确定应该从哪里开始着手。DNS 滥用是一个复杂的问题,没有明确的切入点来着手解决。不止这一家注册商,许多注册机构和注册商越来越担心滥用行为,并需要帮助来着手解决这一问题。 本文是三部分系列文章的第一篇,该系列文章旨在为制定反滥用实践的关键组成部分提供合理、简明的介绍。第一篇文章致力于提供合理的法律依据,或者说基本的 DNS 滥用政策,以解决滥用问题。接下来的两篇文章将讨论管理 DNS 滥用的有效手段以及实际缓解程序。 本政策是与互联网和司法管辖区政策网络 (I&J) 共同制定的,我们对他们的贡献和支持表示感谢。I&J 在这一领域有很多非常好的内容,其中包括他们的 Toolkit: DNS Level Action to Address Abuses(工具包:DNS 层面应对滥用的行动),我建议任何对减少滥用感兴趣的人士都要读一下。DNS 滥用研究所也是 I&J 域名联络小组的积极参与者。 DNS
The Institute launches a new level of reporting that reveals the spectrum of how malicious phishing and malware is distributed across the DNS registration ecosystem.
The NetBeacon Institute serves as a resource for all interested stakeholders fighting DNS Abuse, whether they are registries, registrars, security researchers, or any other interested
This DNSAI Bulletin is intended to help identify and prevent a recent increase in account take-overs at retail registrars across the industry.
The DNS Abuse Institute recently published our sixth monthly report for DNSAI Compass, an initiative to measure the use of the DNS for phishing and malware.
This DNS Abuse Institute Best Practice shows abuse reporters and report recipients how to create high-quality, actionable reports.