NetBeacon MAP: Individual Dashboards empower registries and registrars to understand, track, and benchmark the impact of their efforts to combat DNS Abuse.
Accessing your organizational dashboard helps you understand how much phishing and malware NetBeacon MAP has identified in your zone, whether it has been mitigated, and how this compares to your peers. View analysis on whether the domain name was maliciously registered for the purposes of DNS Abuse or is associated with an issue of compromise (typically website compromise). Data can be used to track and measure the prevalence of abuse as well as how changes in your processes and policies make an impact over time.
NetBeacon MAP: Dashboards are sharable and can be used to make internal improvements, report on progress and encourage greater awareness and collaboration on future solutions in the industry.
Read our blog post for more detail.
Registries and registrars interested in accessing the data will need to agree to the NetBeacon Institute’s Terms of Use as well as apply for access via an online form.
Requests for access can be made to
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